2008/06/30 14:58:47 0 177067 _hash_de214150ff41afb0fba0222fb563999b port-modifications iana ticket created 2008/06/30 14:58:47 0 177067 _hash_e848fc629351380a1fa7a2ac38431a60 port-modifications (unchanged) outgoing email recorded 2008/06/30 14:58:48 0 177067 _hash_e848fc629351380a1fa7a2ac38431a60 port-modifications (unchanged) outgoing email recorded 2008/06/30 16:10:30 0 176537 _hash_c739068704aeb7cea0676fa951bff781 port-modifications (unchanged) subject changed from 'port number modification template' to 'port number modification template: 902 & 903' 2008/06/30 16:10:30 0 176537 _hash_c739068704aeb7cea0676fa951bff781 port-modifications iana status changed from 'new' to 'open'