2017/08/29 23:06:46 0 970415 _hash_392f46011f8da6963193345af83e8127 iana-ports (unchanged) correspondence added 2017/08/29 23:06:46 0 970415 _hash_e848fc629351380a1fa7a2ac38431a60 iana-ports (unchanged) outgoing email recorded 2017/08/29 23:06:46 0 970415 _hash_e848fc629351380a1fa7a2ac38431a60 iana-ports (unchanged) outgoing email recorded 2017/08/29 23:06:46 0 970415 _hash_392f46011f8da6963193345af83e8127 iana-ports (unchanged) iana_prot-param_state expert review changed to rejected 2017/08/29 23:06:58 0 970415 _hash_392f46011f8da6963193345af83e8127 iana-ports (closed) status changed from 'open' to 'resolved' 2017/08/29 23:07:50 0 980262 _hash_392f46011f8da6963193345af83e8127 iana-ports (unchanged) correspondence added 2017/08/29 23:07:50 0 980262 _hash_e848fc629351380a1fa7a2ac38431a60 iana-ports (unchanged) outgoing email recorded 2017/08/29 23:07:50 0 980262 _hash_e848fc629351380a1fa7a2ac38431a60 iana-ports iana status changed from 'stalled' to 'open' 2017/08/29 23:07:50 0 980262 _hash_e848fc629351380a1fa7a2ac38431a60 iana-ports (unchanged) outgoing email recorded 2017/08/29 23:07:50 0 980262 _hash_392f46011f8da6963193345af83e8127 iana-ports (unchanged) reference to article #233: prot-param queues - sorry, it's still with the expert added 2017/08/29 23:07:56 0 980262 _hash_392f46011f8da6963193345af83e8127 iana-ports (unchanged) status changed from 'open' to 'stalled'