2018/08/21 18:23:37 0 1118590 _hash_392f46011f8da6963193345af83e8127 drafts-eval (unchanged) reference by #1119352: protocol action: 'bgp rpki-based origin validation clarifications' to proposed standard (draft-ietf-sidrops-ov-clarify-04.txt) added 2018/08/21 19:58:28 0 993918 _hash_392f46011f8da6963193345af83e8127 drafts-eval (unchanged) reference by #1119371: rfc 8420 on using the edwards-curve digital signature algorithm (eddsa) in the internet key exchange protocol version 2 (ikev2) (draft-ietf-ipsecme-eddsa) added 2018/08/21 20:06:12 0 993918 _hash_392f46011f8da6963193345af83e8127 drafts-eval (unchanged) reference by #1119371: rfc 8420 on using the edwards-curve digital signature algorithm (eddsa) in the internet key exchange protocol version 2 (ikev2) (draft-ietf-ipsecme-eddsa) deleted