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RE: General policy

> It is very useful, if the uniqueness is not achievable, to have
> some short notation of regular expressions to represent all the
> equivalent characters.

This merely moves the burden up to the user, to type that regular
expression, and the necessary information (lists of equivalent characters)
is the same in either way.

I found it very illuminating that the June 1993 version of ECMA-35, to
be proposed to ISO as a new edition of 2022, requires the lowest
numbered of G0/G1/G2/G3 to be used when a character is present in
multiple sets, *even if a higher numbered set  is already invoked
and the lowest numbered set is not* (clause 7.5). This amounts to a
version of uniqueness.

Luc Rooijakkers                                 Internet: lwj@cs.kun.nl
SPC Company, the Netherlands                    UUCP: uunet!cs.kun.nl!lwj