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I have developed a 16 bits xterm which can work for both
Chinese and Japanese. I even combined these two langauges to let
them be used with the same terminal. In the typesetting area, I have
developed a software called "cc2tex", which can put Chinese and
Japanese into latex. These software is available at anonymous 
crl.nmsu.edu and nuscc.nus.sg. 

 			    Zhibiao Wu

Current Address: Expired by Nov 30 1993      Home Address: 
4532 Regent Street                           Blk 341, 10-160, 
Philadelphia, PA 19143                       Clementi Ave 5, 
U.S.A.                                       Republic of Singapore, 0512 
Tel: (O) 215-898-2661 (H) 215-382-1697       Tel: (O) 772-2767 (H) 777-9046 
Email: wzb@linc.cis.upenn.edu                Email: wuzhibia@iscs.nus.sg