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mailing list gateway for comp.software.international

Calvin writes in comp.software.international:

>I have created a Majordomo mailing list digest <-> news gateway for the
>group comp.software.international, to aid those who do not have ready
>access to network news.
>To subscribe to the list, simply send an e-mail message with a body
>containing the line:
>subscribe comp-software-international 
>	MajorDomo@news-digests.mit.edu
>You may optionally specify an alternative e-mail address for
>subscription by adding it at the end of the command.  For example:
>subscribe comp-software-international jruser@foo.bar.com
>You may also simply send a message with the body "subscribe" to the
>	comp-software-international-request@news-digests.mit.edu
>|>> NOTE: The MajorDomo commands are different from LISTSERV commands.
>|>> For more information, send a message with the body "help"
>|>> to MajorDomo@news-digests.mit.edu
>To post to the list (and the newsgroup), send mail to:
>	comp-software-international@news-digests.mit.edu
>PLEASE do not send subscription/unsubscription requests to this
>list.  Use the -request list instead.
>This is a real news <-> mail gateway.  It is essentially the same system
>used to synchronize the linux newsgroups and mailing lists.  All
>articles posted to the newsgroup which were not sent to the list will be
>mailing to the list, and vice-versa.
>I will not censor or moderate this list.  I am not to be thought of in
>that way, because this newsgroup is decidedly unmoderated.  I only
>intend to make sure that the automated software is working properly.
>Ideally, no one should notice if I go to the Bahamas for a couple of
>(If a reliable mail list corresponding to this group has already been
>created and works fine, I will shut mine down upon request, but I
>haven't heard anyone mention such a service on this group yet.  I'm
>just trying to be useful.)