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The EUPHORIA Tape...

I.C.P., Postal Box 18016, Clearwater, FL 34622


Do The Euphoria Tape alone the first time, and then
with a lover. It's a phenomenon you will feel within
the first 3 minutes of use -- what you feel the rest of
the time is unbelievable.

The Euphoria Tape.

It was first whispered about on college campuses, and
only experimented with in seclusion, or among close
friends in private settings, but it has now become a
cult rush and is considered the next passion of our
Cyber lifestyles.

The Euphoria Tape.

Not a drug, not a chemical, but an audio stimulation of
brain centers controlling pleasure. And agony. And ecstacy.
The buzz. An audio mesmer signal strokes the base of the
mind, choking out pain sensations and producing the violent
flow of... euphoria.

The Euphoria Tape.

Copies have changed hands from friends to friends to other
friends. It is not regulated, there are no laws yet restricting
use of The Euphoria Tape.

The Euphoria Tape is rushing the masses.
Stereo audio cassette. Scientific treatment included.

Shipped immediately upon receipt of $11.88 U.S.
personal check or money order.
Absolute satisfaction guaranteed (and
experienced) or full purchase price refunded.

Offered only to adults 18 years or older.

IntraNet Cyber Products
Postal Box 18016
Clearwater, FL 34622

Tape Duplication prohibited.
$2.00 for Scientific Treatment.

Copyright 1995 Intranet Cyber Products, All Rights Reserved.
