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Errors in charset registrations for Arabic and Hebrew

There are four small but significant errors in the
registrations of four charset values for Arabic and
Hebrew character sets defined in RFC 1556.

includes the registrations:

> Name: ISO_8859-6-E                                       [RFC1556,IANA]
> MIBenum: 81
> Source: RFC-1556
> Alias: csISO88596E
> Name: ISO_8859-6-I                                       [RFC1556,IANA]
> MIBenum: 82
> Source: RFC-1556
> Alias: csISO88596I

> Name: ISO_8859-8-E                                  [RFC1556,Nussbacher]
> MIBenum: 84
> Source: RFC-1556
> Alias: csISO88598E
> Name: ISO_8859-8-I                                  [RFC1556,Nussbacher]
> MIBenum: 85
> Source: RFC-1556
> Alias: csISO88598I

RFC 1556, however, uses "-", not "_", after "ISO" in the
charset values:

:    Examples of new character sets for bi-directionality support:
:             Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-6-e
:             Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-6-i
:             Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-8-e
:             Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-8-i
:    The "i" suffix refers to implicit mode and the "e" suffix refers to
:    explicit mode.

Best regards


Olle Jarnefors, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) <ojarnef@admin.kth.se>