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70% OFF Software !!!

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 Special # 1- Select Phone 
       We only have 1,000 copies of the 1996 (2nd Edition) Select Phone
 cd-rom software left.  We are selling the remaing quantities for only
 $29.95*. The newest version currently sells for $99.95 at major
 computer stores including Computer City!
      Select Phone contains over 95 million White & Yellow Page 
 Listings on 6 CD-ROMs!  It is the most popular software for creating
 business leads for marketing and sales purposes.  With Select Phone,
 you can find anyone, anywhere, anyway you want!  If it's in the
 phonebook, it's on these 6 CD-ROM's.  You can search for a listing
 using any combination of seven different parameters:  name, street,
 city, zip code,  state, phone number, even business SIC codes.  You
 can also use it to to locate those long lost friends.   Select Phone
 lets you export unlimited listings to Word, Access, Lotus, and many
 other applications.  The included MapView software displays selected
 listings on a map and even gives you exact mileage between those
      The program runs under Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT, Dos,
 and Macintosh System 7.  
 For details about this program and many others be sure to visit our
 web site at http://www.ultragrafix.com/ultra
 * Plus $4.95 for shipping and handling to anywhere in the U.S.  
 (Orders outside U.S. please include $8.95 for shipping cost) 
 To order send check or money order for $34.90 to:
 PO Box 170959
 Arlington, Tx 76003 
 or call (817) 472-9516 to order by credit card.
 You can also fax your order to us at (817) 472-0884
 Please Include:
 Name, Address, Phone Number, Credit Card #, and expiration date!
 on your faxes !!!
 Special #2 - SIRDS for NIRDS
       You've seen them in the comic strips and at your local mall. 
 Now those 3-D pictures (stereograms) that are Magic to your Eye will
 come to life on your own computer screen, right before your eyes.
      To promote our website at www.ultragrafix.com/ultra and to help
 promote the sale of our 3-D prints and other hi-tech products, we are
 offering the following special on the ultimate Windows compatible
 stereogram generator and screen saver, "SIRDS for NIRDS".  All orders
 received by midnight October 31st will receive all of the following
 for only $14.95.
     1)  SIRDS for NIRDS (cd-rom stereogram maker & screen saver)
     2)  "Another Dimension 2" (best selling stereogram book 
            containing 47 full color stereograms from 3 different
      3)  FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the U.S.
           (international orders please add $5 to the total)
 This offer is a $40 value for only $14.95.  This is just a small way
 for us to say thanks for visiting our website.
 "SIRDS for NIRDS is an exciting program that allows you to create and
 print your own 3-D stereograms right on your own PC.  You can print
 out your created image via any black & white or color printer. There's
 even an easy-view feature to help teach any of those unfortunate souls
 who have still never been able to see 3-D stereogram images before. 
 Set the program up to be a screensaver and watch your friends and
 co-workers go crazy.
 "Another Dimension 2" is the best selling book that contains 47 full
 color 3-D stereograms such as those featured in posters, comic strips,
 t.v. shows, advertisements etc. throughout the world.
 Both of these great products are featured on our web site at 
 www.ultragrafix.com/ultra in addition to our unique blend of 
 "STAR TREK" merchandise, 3-D prints, holograms, and other
 high tech gifts & toys.  
 To order send check or money order for $14.95 to:
 PO Box 170959
 Arlington, Tx 76003 
 or call (817) 472-9516 to order by credit card.
 You can also fax your order to us at (817) 472-0884
 Please Include:
 Name, Address, Phone Number, Credit Card #, and expiration date!
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 Cyber Promotions' new "AUTO-SENDER" service.
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 Cyber Promotions 
 has just released "AUTO-SENDER 2.2"
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