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UTF-7 registration: any objections?


Based on feedback from this group and from the Unicode Technical 
Committee, I am revising my new Internet Draft for UTF-7 such that the 
sole MIME charset name will be "UTF-7". This will apply to any version of 
Unicode/ISO 10646 equal to or greater than Unicode 2.0.

Please let me know ASAP if there are any objections. I am about to 
resubmit the Internet Draft, and want to advance it to RFC status and 
register UTF-7 as quickly as possible.

For those who missed the earlier version of the draft, the only 
substantive changes from the older UTF-7 document (RFC 1642) is a 
clarification of one ambiguous portion of the spec, and changing it to 
refer to Unicode 2.0 rather than 1.1.

David Goldsmith
Text and International Software Architect
Apple Computer, Inc.