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** $50,000 IN LESS THAN 90 DAYS ! **


     **** DO NOT BE QUICK TO DISMISS THIS !!! ****
     **** IT WILL MAKE YOU A LOT OF MONEY !!! ****

 ...Read the enclosed program... then read it again!

Dear Friend,

You are now reading the most profitable and unique program you
may ever see. It has demonstrated and proven ability to generate
large sums of money. This program is showing fantastic appeal
with a huge and ever growing population which needs additional
income. IT WILL WORK FOR YOU (don't let this slip through your
fingers like I almost did) if you CAREFULLY FOLLOW the simple
instructions and apply these next four points:

(1) INSIGHT: It is necessary to see the GREAT possibilities that
this marketing program contains. READ IT SEVERAL TIMES, then
later read it again! Calculate the numbers for yourself; you will
see the amazing results that can be obtained.

(2) INVESTMENT: Not in me, or anyone else, but in yourself. Every
endeavor which produces a profit requires some degree of
investment, be it time, money, resources, etc. For the potential
gain that can come to you, this investment is quite

(3) APPLICATION: There is no such thing as a "FREE LUNCH". Even
this opportunity requires some effort and time. Every successful
venture does.

(4) PATIENCE: After you have accomplished the steps described,
the program requires a little time before showing a good
response. As it enters the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and finally the 4th
level of response, there is a time element that to some could be
a bit aggravating without giving proper thought to *how* the
program works, AND IT DOES WORK! You must allow 20 to 90 days...

   This is a LEGITIMATE, LEGAL, money-making opportunity. It does
not require you to come in contact with people, do any hard work,
and best of all, you never have to leave the house, except to get
the mail. Your orders come and are filled THROUGH THE MAIL, so
you are not involved in personal selling.  You do it privately in
your own home, store or office.

   If you believe that someday you will get that lucky break you
have been waiting for, THIS IS IT! Simply follow the easy
instructions in the next part of this message, and your dream
will come true! This multi-level mail order marketing program
works perfectly... 100% EVERY TIME.

   Multi-level marketing is a respected way to sell goods and
services. It is taught at the Harvard Business School. Of the
500,000 millionaires in the US, 20% (100,000) made their fortune
in the last several years in MLM. Current statistics show 45
people become millionaires every day through Multi-Level
Marketing. There is great opportunity here - if you find the 
right program. And this one works.

   Thousands of people have used this program to raise capital to
start their own business, pay off debts, buy homes, cars, etc.,
even retire! This is your chance, so don't pass it up... I cannot
stress this enough! FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY, and in 20 to
90 days you could receive upwards of $50,000. Let's face it, the
profits are worth it! THEY'RE TREMENDOUS!!! So go for it.
Remember the 4 points and we'll see you at the top!

                         I N S T R U C T I O N S

Follow these easy steps to achieve maximum results:

method of raising capital that works 100% every time! I am sure
that you could use $50,000 to $125,000 in the next 20 to 90 days.

  THIS IS *NOT* A CHAIN LETTER, but a legal, money-making
opportunity. Basically, this is what we do: As with all
multi-level businesses, we build our business by recruiting new
partners and selling our products. We do this through regular
mail or through the information superhighway - the Internet. You
are not involved in personal selling. You do it privately in your
own home, store or office! Each $5.00 order you will receive will
have a self-addressed stamped envelope in it! To fill each order,
you simply put the product (a detailed report) in the envelope
and mail it back. "That's it... the $5.00 is yours." This is the
GREATEST multi-level mail order marketing plan anywhere!

Do this by ordering the report from each of the four names
listed. For each report send US$5.00 cash and a SELF-ADDRESSED
STAMPED ENVELOPE (business size #10) to the person listed and
REQUEST THAT SPECIFIC REPORT. You will need all 4 reports because
you will be reprinting and reselling them. PLEASE do not alter
the names or their sequence other than instructed in this letter.
IMPORTANT: Always provide same day service on all orders you

(2) In this letter, replace the name and address under REPORT #1
with your own. Move the one that was there down to REPORT #2.
Move the name and address under REPORT #2 to REPORT #3. Move the
name and address listed under REPORT #3 to REPORT #4. The name
and address that was under REPORT #4 is dropped off the list and
is no doubt on the way to the bank. When doing this please make
certain you copy everyone's name and address accurately. Only move 
the names and addresses. *Don't move the Report/Product positions*.

(3) Re-distribute this whole information packet (with, of course
yourself at REPORT #1 position and everyone else bumped down one
notch). You can do this in one of two ways:

    (a) Internet : Just like I've done here, it's quick and
        it's virtually free... send this letter out via e-mail
        to every e-mail address you know or can get your hands
        on. There are many companies out there who sell huge
        e-mail address lists at very low prices. This is a
        great place to start! In this way you can send this
        letter out to virtually hundreds of thousands rather
        than just a few thousand as with snail mail. This will
        greatly multiply your profits.   You can also post this
        letter on the internet newsgroups, the more the better
        for you... millions of people world-wide scan these
        newsgroups... take advantage of that fact.

    (b) Old Fashioned Snail Mail : First, delete the words
        "just as I've done here" from the paragraph right above
        this one. Then print out this information packet and
        take it to your "quick print" shop. Have as many copies
        made as you can initially afford to print. You can
        always print more later. (The more copies, the bigger
        the discount). Send a copy of this entire package (it 
        is all important) to everyone whose name and address 
        you can get your hands on.
NOTE: People have reported they get more replies per hundred
packets sent out if they use snail mail instead of email. It does
take a bit more initial investment.

   Start with friends and relatives since you can speak to them
and encourage them to take advantage of this marvelous money
making plan. Then as your time and finances allow, mail to anyone
and everyone. You can get names and addresses from classified
ads, phone books and other directories. You can also mail to
small businesses whose addresses are available from their ads in
the Yellow Pages and other publications. BEST OF ALL, purchase a
"HOT NAME" mailing list from any of the list of brokers whose
business it is to provide all sorts of mailing lists. You'll find
that a good name list will make you more money than you could
ever imagine... it's a great investment!

   (4) Orders will soon start arriving in your mailbox for each
of the 4 reports. At first, just for REPORT #1, then later for
#2, #3, and #4... each of these orders will contain a US$5 bill 
and a self-addressed stamped envelope for you to use to mail back 
the requested report. It's easy!

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Let's say you decide to start small just to see how it goes and
we'll assume you and all those involved only sent out 200 packets
each (either via e-mail or via regular mail). Let's also assume
that each mailing only receives a 5% response (keep in mind that
many people will send out thousands of packets instead of only
200, but for the sake of example here we'll stick with 200). With
a 5% return that's 10 people who participate by sending 200 each
or 2,000 total. The 5% response to that brings 100 orders. Those
100 mail out 200 each or 20,000 total. The 5% return on 20,000 is
1,000. The 1,000 send out 200,000 total and that 5% response will
generate 10,000 five dollar bills for you... CASH! Your
total income in this example situation:

  1st Level - 10 people respond out of 200 with $5         $50
  2nd Level - 10 people respond to those 10 ($5 x 100)    $500
  3rd Level - 10 respond to the 100 ($5 x 1000)          $5000
  4th Level - 10 respond to those 1000 (10000 $5 bills) $50000
                           Rounded down, this totals to $55000

   Remember friends, this is assuming that 95 out of every 100
people you mail to, do absolutely nothing with this opportunity
and trash it. Dare to think for a moment what would happen if
everyone sent out 1,000 packets instead of 200 (very easy to
accomplish that via e-mail). Believe me, many people will do just
that... and more. It is to their benefit to do so! Not a bad
return for such a paltry investment of time and money.

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              T I P S    F O R    S U C C E S S

  Treat this as your business. Send for the 4 reports IMMEDIATELY
so you will have them when the orders start coming in because:
When you receive a $5 order, you *must* send out the requested
report to comply with the US Postal & Lottery Laws, Title 18,
Sections 1302 and 1341 or Title 39 Section 3005 in the US Code,
also Code of Federal Regs. vol. 16, Sections 255 & 436 - which
state that "a product or service must be exchanged for
money received".


(1) Name your new company (or use your own name if you wish).

(2) Re-arrange the names and addresses, including yours, and
affix them under the correct report according to the directions,
bumping off the 4th name. (If you will be advertising by snail
mail, you might want to re-type that whole page where the names
and addresses appear, and of course include yours at REPORT #1.)

(3) Obtain as many e-mail addresses or regular snail mail
addresses as you can. If sending via snail mail, REPORT #3 
(... when you receive it in the mail) will tell you where you 
can get great snail mailing lists.

(4) If sending by snail mail, make enough copies of this letter
to fill your mailing quantity.

(5) Copy the 4 reports when you do get them so you are able to
send them out right away when you receive an order.

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   The check point that GUARANTEES your success is simply this:
You MUST receive 15 to 20 orders for REPORT #1! THIS IS A MUST!
If you don't within 2 weeks, send out more packets until you do.
Then, a couple of weeks later you should receive at least 100
orders for REPORT #2. If you don't, send out more packets until
you do. Once you have received 100 or more orders for REPORT #2,
YOU CAN RELAX, because YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY TO $50,000! Also,
remember, every time your name is moved down on the list you are
in front of a different report, so you can keep track of your
progress by what report people are ordering from you.


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Now, here is the list of the 4 reports and how to order them:

(NOTE: Always send a Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope with US$5
cash - concealed in a piece of paper, of course - in your order
for each report. Order each report by NAME and NUMBER.)


This report will give you the much needed information to help you
in this program. It will show you how you can make a quarter of a
million dollars in just 3 months. $5 cash.

Order this report from:    C&J Properties
                           P.O. Box 5329
                           Clearlake, CA, USA  95422-5329


Learn the money making secrets of some of the well-known 
corporate giants. $5 cash.

Order This report from :                               			
                      Danelash Endeavours	
                      1453 Norma Road
                      Columbus, Ohio 43229


You have learned the importance of good mailing lists. Here is
where you can send for superior lists. $5 cash.

Order this report from :   MYGIA Enterprise
                           P.O. Box 424
                           Mifflinville, PA, USA 18631-0424


Find out which MLM plans work, which ones don't... and why!
$5 cash.

Order this report from :   Home Business Unlimited
                           1954 Norfolk Dr.
                           Lodi, CA, USA 95242

.. We wish you good fortune and prosperity!


C. Menefee and J. Menefee
(We're a father-and-son team - & having a ball!)



  By the time you have read the enclosed information and looked
over the plan and the reports you should have concluded that such
a plan, and one that is legal, could not have been created by an

  Let me tell you a little about myself. I began as an
independent small businessman in 1969. Using good business
practices I had a profitable business for 10 years. In 1979 my
business began falling off. I was doing the same things that were
previously successful for me but now they just weren't working.

  Finally it hit me. It wasn't me. It's just that our economy had
gone crazy. Inflation and recession had replaced the stable
economic growth that had been with us since 1945. I don't have to
tell you what happened to the employment rate because many of you
know from first hand experience. There were more small business
failures and bankruptcies than ever before... Traditional methods
of making money will never allow you to move up or "get rich".
Inflation will see to that.

  You have just received the information that can give you
financial freedom for the rest of your life. With practically no
risk and just a little bit of effort, you can have more money in
the next few months than you have ever imagined.

  I should also point out that I will not see a penny of your
money or anyone else's who participates in my plan. *This one's
for you*.

  I've made over FOUR MILLION DOLLARS and retired from the plan
after having sent out over 16,000 letter packets. I have moved to
the rich side of the tracks. Will you be able to say the same in
six weeks ?  If you send out only one-tenth as many packets as I
did, you can be a rich person.

  Please follow the plan exactly as instructed. Do not change it
in any way. It works exceedingly well as it is now. Remember to
send a copy of all this introductory literature to everyone that
you can think of. Don't feel hesitant about sending out only a
few dozen packets in the beginning. One of the people that you
send this packet to may send out 5,000 and your name will be on
every single one of them. Remember though: the more you send out,
the more potential customers you will reach. So my friend, I've
given you the ideas, information, materials and opportunity to
become financially independent. IT'S NOW UP TO YOU.

  I am enjoying an early secure retirement on the fortune that I
made by sending out packets just like this one. You too will be
making easy money in three or four weeks... if you follow the
simple steps outlined in this mailing. To be financially
independent is to be free; free to make money decisions as you
never have before, go into business, get into investments,
retire, or take a vacation. No longer will the lack of money hold
you back...

  Will you ignore this amazing opportunity... or will you take
advantage of it and change the direction of your life ? If you
don't think this is a truly spectacular opportunity, then please
take the time to re-read this material. You have indeed missed
something. If you have any questions, please feel free to write
the sender of this information. You'll get a prompt and
informative reply.

  My method is simple. I sell thousands of people a product for
$5.00 that costs me pennies to produce and mail. Everyone
involved in the program makes money for everyone else in the
also point out that this program is completely legal. At times,
you've probably received chain letters asking you to send money
but getting nothing in return - no product whatsoever. Not only
are chain letters illegal, but the risk of someone breaking the
chain makes them quite unattractive.

  This plan has the effect and appeal of a chain letter, but is
legal since you are offering a legitimate, valuable product to
your people. After they purchase the product from you, they
produce more and resell the product. It's simple free enterprise

  As you have learned from the enclosed material, the "PRODUCT"
in this plan is a series of four financial and business reports.
The information contained in these reports will not only help you
in making your participation in this plan more rewarding, but
will be useful to you in other business decisions you make in the
years ahead. You are also buying the rights to reprint all of the
reports which will be ordered from you by those to whom you
choose to mail this packet.

  The concise one and two page reports you'll be buying can
easily be reproduced at a local copy center at a cost of
approximately 4 cents per page in small quantities of 200. The
price goes down considerably for larger quantities of 1,000 or
more. Of course you may want to print just a small quantity until
the money comes rolling in. You can always call your
printer with another order.

. Good luck with this plan and GOD BLESS YOU,

                                    Edward L. Green

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"I  had  received  this program before.  I  threw  it away, but
later wondered if I shouldn't have given it a try.  Of course, I
had no idea who to contact to get a copy, so I had to wait until
I was emailed another copy of the program.  Eleven months passed,
then it came.  I DIDN'T throw this one away.  I made $41,000 on
the first try."

					Dawn W., Evansville, IN


"My late father always told me, 'remember, Alan, there is no free
lunch in life.  You get out of life what you put into it.'
Through trial  and error and a somewhat slow frustrating start, I
finally figured it  out. The program works very well, I just had
to find the right target  group of people to email it to.  So far
this year, I have made over $63,000 using this program.  I know
my dad would have been very proud of me."

					Alan B., Philadelphia, PA


"Not being the gambling type, it took me several weeks to make up
my mind to participate in this program.  But conservative as I
am, I decided that the initial investment was so little that
there was no way that I could not get enough orders to at least
get my money back.  BOY, was I ever surprised when I found my
medium sized post office box crammed with orders! I will make
more money this year than any ten years of my life before."

					Mary R., Lansing, MI


Do you have any idea what 11,700 $5 bills ($58,000) look like
piled up on a kitchen table? IT'S AWESOME!

                                   Christopher E., Seguin, TX


My father worked hard for years to support Mom, me and my two
sisters. After the kids had grown up and left, he was looking
forward to retirement. Then his plant closed. He borrowed against
the house to keep going while he looked for work but nobody
would hire someone his age. About then I saw this plan on the
Internet, printed it and mailed it to him. In desperation, he
sent out 150  letters. The response was good so he mailed out a
thousand more. Now he has paid off the house and the car, and he
and Mom are planning how to enjoy his retirement after a few more
mailings. This plan has given my Dad a new future.

                                   James N., Sacramento, CA