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Re: Another anti-spam idea

On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, David Goldsmith wrote:
> I don't know if this has been suggested before, but how about bouncing 
> messages that don't have the mailing list's address explicitly stated in 
> one of the To: or CC: fields? I know that would bounce messages that are 
> BCC'd to the list, but it seems like that wouldn't be a very frequent 
> technique for legitimate posts to the list. Based on the spams I've seen 
> over the last few weeks, this kind of filter would reject all of them.

I suggested precisely that about a week or two ago.

Can nobody here write a procmail recipe? (I thought it was just me who's

    Walter Ian Kaye <boo@best.com>     Programmer - Excel, AppleScript,
          Mountain View, CA                         ProTERM, FoxPro, HTML
 http://www.natural-innovations.com/     Musician - Guitarist, Songwriter