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*********** MAKE MONEY ON-LINE NOW! ***********

********* 8 MILLION E-MAIL ADDRERSSES! *********

  You are not included in this database you were randomly selected to
receive this message. Because our sources have indicated that you may
have interest in this product. There is no need to reply to be removed
because this is a "ONE-TIME MESSAGE".  You will receive no further
mailings from us.

**** Please Print This Message For Future Reference ****

* If you are Serious about Making Money On-Line read this message in it's
entirety.  Let's Begin......

 Have you ever wanted to market on-line? If so, this is for you. Let me tell you a
little about ourselves. We established our business in 1995. After marketing over
20 products very successfully on-line, we are releasing the Biggest Secret to
On-Line Marketing. Every minute of the day 7 new people log on-line. That's
10,080 people per day! Is that unbelievable or what? Do you know what that
means? That's 10,080 new business prospects per day! There are over 65
MILLION prospects waiting for you right now! By the end of the year there is
expected to be over 95 MILLION people on-line! As you can simply tell, there
is no end to this. Let's face it. There are many large companies investing
MILLIONS of dollars per day on the Internet, and for one reason only. They
know this is where their business is going to be by the year 2000. Marketing
On-Line can be a very difficult task, but it doesn't have to be. That's where
we come in. We have put together an unbelievable marketing package
together for you that nobody can even come close to. 

   Don't be fooled by these people telling you that you need Floodgate and
other similar programs to send bulk mail- it's a lie. Floodgate only extracts the
addresses. That can be VERY time consuming and costly. They make it
sound so easy, and when in reality, it's not. We'll put it this way- to even get
1 Million E-mail addresses with Floodgate, it would take you at least 6 months. 

   You may ask yourself, "How can they get so many addresses?" We have
been marketing on the Internet for over one year now. All of these E-mail
addresses have been collected within the past month! Are E-Mail Addresses
are updated on a monthly basis. The difference from our Database and other
peoples, is that people on the 'NET' are constantly trading Databases and
THEY ARE ALL GENERATED IN HOUSE. We have the experience and
knowledge to know where and how to obtain the addresses quickly. We
also receive them from some of the largest ISP's in the country. 

   There are other SO-CALLED companies that will claim to give you 10 to
20 MILLION ADDRESSES- and they lie! They will only give you 5 to 9
HUNDERED THOUSAND! When you receive them, they're all scrambled
up and half of the addresses aren't even valid. They have dates, they are
put in many different formats, and extra characters are added on the end of
them, so they won't even be sent. You will get 3/4 of the mail back as
UNDELIVERABLE, which means the computer can't even send them!
Don't be taken by these people. 

   Also, we have made it as easy as possible for you. We have put them
ALL in a Pegasus Mailing List for you! You will also receive a copy of
Pegasus Mail, if you don't have it. Then, all you have to do is click 3
BUTTONS and they will be sent. This is as easy as it gets! They have
been tested and they are DELIVERABLE, which means they will all go
through. We are selling the WHOLE 2 MILLION E-Mail database for
only $69.95! If you're asking yourself, "Why are they only selling them
for $69.95 when he has a good list, and these OTHER COMPANIES
are selling them for $149.00 to $500.00, and their lists are poorly put
together?" The answer is simply, "We believe in producing high quality
products, that should be priced reasonably." We understand that not
all people have Hundreds or even Thousands of Dollars to invest. We
have made this as easy as possible for anyone to get started.

   With this E-Mail List, we will also include a "Step by Step Guide" that
will show you everything you need to know to send your E-Mail out. It's
very easy and anybody can do it. So if you have a computer, use it to
Make Money Now don't let it cost you money. Just imagine E-mailing
2 MILLION people. That's like sending 2 MILLION letters at .32 cents
PER STAMP! Can you imagine if you only had a 1% response rate?
That's still 20,000 ORDERS! All you have to do is take your idea and GO!
Many people have no idea about the power of the Internet. People are
always wondering why other people are wealthy and there not. The
reason is simply "THEY TAKE ACTION" And You Can To Right Now!

   You can make this work to your advantage and we'll show you how.
We can GUARANTEE you that you will never see another offer like
this, so act now. The $69.95 is nothing compared to the money you
will make from the list. You'll make the $69.95 back in your first mailing.

Here are a few of many testimonials we want to share with you: 

Thank you I-Net, I really cannot believe this! I ordered your package to
promote my business, and within 10 days, I enrolled over 250 people.
This is absolutely amazing! 

-James - California- 

I-Net, I had to write this to you because you really offer a legitimate
service. I have been ripped-off in the past by other people that you have
mentioned within your letter. Since I have ordered your 8 million addresses,
I am at the point of $300.00 per day right now (which far exceeds the
$245.95 I paid for them). You have helped me so much. I'm greatly in debt
to you. Thanks! 

-Sharon - Florida- 

Here's Everything You'll Receive: 


* Complete Setup Instructions 

* A Copy Of Pegasus Mail For Win3.X, Win95 or Mac 

* As a Special Bonus, if you order within the next 10 days, we'll give you a
175 page, E-Book called, " Your Personal Complete Guide To The Internet.
" It covers every aspect of the Internet from Advanced E-mail to Veronica
and shows you how to get full use from the Internet. It even has a whole
chapter on Marketing on-line.

We going to give you 500 HOW-TO-REPORTS That You will have FULL
REPRINT RIGHTS TO! So if you don't have a product to market, you'll
have over 500 of them NOW! Each of these reports can be sold for as much
as $20.00 Each! These are FULL REPORTS "not little 1 page reports".

Here's how to get the E-Mail list: 

All orders can be downloaded VIA FTP anyone who is On-Line has this
service available to them and you will be sent VIA E-Mail Complete
Instructions For Downloading and Setup. Also, they are available on
100mb Zip Disk ( Iomega ) or CD-ROM for only $35 extra, which includes
shipping. The $35 extra charge (for the CD-ROM and Iomega disk) does
not apply when ordering 6 million or more addresses.

============> E-Mail Databases <================

          2 Million E-mail Addresses only $69.95 

          4 Million E-mail Addresses only $129.95 

          6 Million E-mail Addresses only $189.95 

          8 Million E-mail Addresses only $245.95 

===============> Order Form <===============

Yes, Internet Communications Inc., I wish to take you up on your SPECIAL
INCLUDING THE 2 SPECIAL BONUSES: "Complete Internet Guide Book"
and "500 How-To-Reports".  I understand I have to completely fill out the
order form so you can fulfill my order. 

* Note: We accept checks by fax. You can simply print this Order Form,
then tape your check this piece of paper in the space provided below. Then
Fax it to: 1-216-808-1507 If you have any questions please call customer
service at: 1-216-808-1347.





Zip Code:____________________________________


E-mail Address:_______________________________

Phone Number:_______________________________

I wish to pay by:      ( Check One )

Check:____ Money Order:_____

( Check One )

2 Million______ 4 Million______ 6 Million______ 8 Million_______

FTP:_______ Zip Disk:______ CD-ROM:______


Pegasus Mail  ( WIN 3.1 )  ( WIN 95 )  ( MAC )  (Circle One )



 If you fax a check, there is no need for you to send the original  check.
We will draft up a new check, with the exact information  from your original
                Fax: 1-216-808-1507     Phone: 1-216-808-1347


Make check or money order payable to:  Internet Communications

                        Mail check or Money Order to: 

                           Internet Communications 
                        30628 Detroit Ave.  Suite 295
                             Westlake, Ohio 44145 

      \\ ~ ~ //
      ( @ @ )    Don't Delay Place Your Order Within 10 Days....

The entire contents of this message are copyrighted and protected by both
United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. None of
the text in this message may ever be reproduced, in original or modified
form, for commercial purposes, without express written permission by Internet
Communications Inc.. We do authorize and encourage the forwarding of
this message to interested parties, for the purpose of informing them of
Internet Communications Inc. services.