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RE: Your draft about iso-2022-jp


The author of the RFC is Dr. Masataka Ohta <mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp
>. He can be reached by the above mentioned e-mail.

I will talk to him on this issue.

Please contact with him directly.

Kohji Shibano (Chairman of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2 and JIS Coded character set comm

At 6:15 PM 97.8.29, Kenzaburou Tamaru (Exchange) wrote:
> Hello Martin,
> Thank you for your coments. I agree with your comment regarding
> character set name.
> I read though RFC 1554 before. It includes JIS X 0212, however, it is
> not clear for me about the concept of  ISO-2022-JP-2. Could you someone
> tell me about the story of this RFC 1554?
> Thank you,
> Ken Tamaru,
> Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond.
> E-mail: kenzat@microsoft.com

At 6:25 PM 97.8.28, Martin J. D$B|r(Jst wrote:
> Hello Kenzaburo,
> I have read your draft announced recently (draft-rfced-info-tamaru-00.txt).
> I think providing a possibility to include JIS 212 into iso-2022-jp is a
> good idea. Actually, this already has been done, in a somewhat wider
> framework. Please look for iso-2022-jp-2 in the IANA charset registry.
> Maybe this is too wide for your purposes. In this case, it is
> probably better to define something new (such as iso-2022-jp-1,
> iso-2022-jp-3, or iso-2022-jp-212), because most current
> implementations that know about iso-2022-jp will not react
> gracefully if they receive JIS 212 characters. Also, iso-2022-jp,
> in its current version, has been included as Appendix 2 (normative)
> in JIS X 0208:1997. A sudden change of the meaning of the label
> would only lead to confusion. At last, there is the IETF definition
> and the registration procedures for charset (currently being worked
> on). I don't think that these allow, or should allow, such
> drastic changes/additions to an existing "charset" as you are
> proposing.
> I am forwarding this mail to authors of the RFCs for iso-2022-jp
> and iso-2022-jp-2, to the chair of the JIS 208 commitee, as well
> as to the charset list where discussions about new charsets
> are taking place.
> With kind regards,	Martin.
> ----
> Dr.sc.  Martin J. Du"rst			    ' , . p y f g c R l / =
> Institut fu"r Informatik			     a o e U i D h T n S -
> der Universita"t Zu"rich			      ; q j k x b m w v z
> Winterthurerstrasse  190			     (the Dvorak keyboard)
> CH-8057   Zu"rich-Irchel  NEW TEL: +41 1 63 543 16
>  S w i t z e r l a n d	  NEW FAX: +41 1 63 568 09  Email: mduerst@ifi.unizh.ch
> ----

+--Kohji SHIBANO, Professor of Systems Programming---+
| Tokyo International University, shibano@tiu.ac.jp  |
|    Office Tel:+81-492-32-1111, -1119 (fax),        |
+-kshibano@mix.or.jp, Home Tel & Fax:+81-44-954-7337-+