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Bulk Advertising ! Cheap Cheap Cheap !

<HTML><PRE>                                           Bulk Mail Rates

<FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>

 -Advertise your full page of text to millions by the most powerful 
  forms of advertising in existence today!

                  - 100,000 emails, only $89 
                       - 250,000 emails, only $150
                            - 500,000 emails, only $200 
                                 - 750,000 emails, only $275 
                                      - 1,000,000 emails, only $350 

 - Bulk Email PO box required ( If you wish to receive responses by e~mail )
 - If you don't have one, we can supply one!  Only $20/mo
 - GlobalNet always send out more than the paid amount to insure you success.

 GlobalNet Communications E~Z Order Form

 We accept Credit Cards & Checks by Fax ~ E-Mail.

 Credit Card payment: 
 Fill out the E~Z Order form below and email to : globalnet9@savetrees.com

 Checks by Fax ~ E-Mail payment:
 Print out the E~Z Order form below and FAX~Email it to our office.

                        Checks by Snail Mail, Money Order, or Cash:
                        Print out the E~Z order form below & Mail to:
                               GlobalNet Communications
                               5N313 Eagle Terrace
                               Itasca, IL 60143
 -GlobalNet's Order Form ( Please type or use ball point pen )



 Phone #'s.........................Fax.....................................

 Email Address............................................................

 Product/Services Ordered..........................................

 Credit Card payment:

 ( ) Visa   ( ) Mastercard   (  ) American Express  ( ) Discover

 Credit Card #..................................................

 Exp. Date......................................................

 Expected amount to be charged:.....................

 Name on Card................................................

 Today's Date..................................................

 Address of Card Holder:

  Signature of Card:
Signing or typing this agreement authorizes and certifies that this agreement is to be used as a signed credit card ticket for charges to my credit card.  This form is to be recognized and accepted as a signed credit card ticket by my bank and credit card carrier.  


 Please email forms to:  globalnet9@savetrees.com


 Checks by Fax ~ E-Mail payment:

 - Tape completed check to completed form
 - Fax to 630 773-0091

 - If you fax a check, there is no need for you to send the original
  check. We will draft up a new check, with the exact information
  from your original check. 

  Checks by Snail Mail, Money Order, or Cash:

 - If you feel more comfortable sending payment through the mail, 
   please send all forms and checks to:

 ( ) Money order by mail     ( ) Checks by mail    ( ) Cash

 GlobalNet Communications
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I understand that GlobalNet Communications does not guarantee or predict any type of profit from these services. I understand that payment in full is due in advance of service. I authorize GlobalNet Communications to charge an additional $25 fee if my check is returned for insufficient or uncollectable funds. I authorize GlobalNet Communications to quote any positive testimonial that I may offer, without prior notice. I am fully authorized to represent the company that I am advertising.  I acknowledge that GlobalNet Communications has the right to refuse my order if they deem it inappropriate.  GlobalNet Communications will not be held liable for any claims that I represent in my advertisements or auto-responder text. 
Type or sign:
SIGNATURE:x________________________ DATE:x__________________

 Please email forms to: globalnet9@savetrees.com
 If checks by fax:
 Please fax these forms to: 1-630-773-0091