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Re: new version of draft-alvestrand-charset-policy.txt

I don't like the default language text.

When this was discussed at the ACAP WG meeting in Munich (after you left,
unfortunately), the language in the ACAP spec reflected something similar
to your policy.  There was a strong consensus to change it to simply
default to "en" (which may be different from "en-us" or "en-uk").  People
were not comfortable with a one-way transition away from the default
setting for error messages.

So the default language should be "en", or there should be a registered
language tag (e.g., "default") with a precise definition so that the error
message language can be changed back to the default setting if desired. 

I personally think having a default language which is a special dialect of
English is unnecessary complexity, so I prefer the "en" solution.
I can't realisticly see an implementor making the default language 
different from "en" in a product (although I can see "en-us" and "en-uk"

I thought I had mentioned this before, but things slip my mind every now
and then.

		- Chris