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Mistake in Alias in charset registry - bad alias name

The following entry in the charset registry has an incorrect alias
(both the March and November versions).

See ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/character-sets

Name: ISO-10646-Unicode-Latin1
MIBenum: 1003
Source: ISO Latin-1 subset of Unicode. Basic Latin and Latin-1 
         Supplement  = collections 1 and 2.  See ISO 10646, 
         Appendix A.  See RFC 1815.
Alias: csUnicodeLatin1
Alias: ISO-10646

The Alias should definitely NOT be 'ISO-10646, since this charset is
the Latin1 subset of ISO 10646, not ISO 10646 itself.

I suggest changing the alias to 'ISO-10646-Latin1'.

Tom Hastings