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Re: Registration of new charset

On Wed, 18 Feb 1998, David Goldsmith wrote:
> >Since UTF-7 is being deployed in products, I conclude that it should be
> >labelled LIMITED USE per section 3.5 of the registration procedures.
> I have no problem with labelling it limited use. Remember, it is used in 
> PICS and (in variant form) IMAP4, not just mail. It is important to have 
> a registration for this character set so people can use it (since they 
> already are). I am in no way evangelizing people to use it for new 
> applications.

I support registration of UTF-7 under the condition that it is labelled
limited use.  So it sounds like we agree on a course of action.  I won't
bother to further debate the other issues unless someone objects to
labelling it limited use. 

		- Chris