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Re: registration of a new charset: iso-8859-15


I agree with Erik and have some further comments.

Surely the purpose of aliases is to do with legacy stuff.  These charset 
identifiers are for use in protocols.  They will generally be inserted by 
software and will be read by software.  Please specify the benefit to the 
Internet of providing the various aliases you propose.

Many thanks,

> Hello Marc,
> I have a couple of comments/questions:
> IANA charsets are case-insensitive. Therefore, "ISO-8859-15" and "iso-8859-15" are
> the same. I would suggest deleting the alias "iso-8859-15" and putting the "preferred
> MIME name" next to the "ISO-8859-15".
> The ISO-IR-203 number is for the "ISO International Register of Coded Character Sets
> To Be Used With Escape Sequences", right? Have you actually received the paper update
> via regular (snail) mail? Has anybody else received the update, and can you confirm
> that the number is indeed 203? I have not received my copy of the update yet.
> What is the status of ISO-8859-15 in ISO itself? Is it still a draft, or has it
> become a full standard? What is the date on the front page?
> The reason I ask is because there has been a case in the past where ECMA registered
> one of their standards to get an ISO-IR-NNN number, but ISO itself made one or more
> changes after that date, before it reached the final ISO standard stage.
> I believe the "csISOLatin15" should be "csISOLatin9" to be consistent with the
> existing registrations for ISO-8859-9 and ISO-8859-10. You already have an alias
> "latin9". This comes from the ISO spec itself, right? Does it say "Latin alphabet No.
> 9"?
> Erik van der Poel
> Marc Blanchet wrote:
> >         this is a request to register iso-8859-15 as a character set. It is a new
> > charset derived from latin1 enabling full french and finnish support and
> > the Euro sign. It has been registered today at ISO under application ISO-IR
> > 203.
> >
> > Name: ISO-8859-15
> > Alias: iso-ir-203
> > Alias: iso-8859-15 (preferred MIME name)
> > Alias: latin9
> > Alias: latin0
> > Alias: csISOLatin15
> >
> > It has been known to the community as latin0, which is the reason for this
> > alias.

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