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Re: registration of a new charset: iso-8859-15

> cc: ietf-charsets@INNOSOFT.COM, ietf-charsets@iana.org

Please do not crosspost. The official address is ietf-charsets@iana.org.
The mail is still handled at Innosoft, but there is no need to crosspost,
the two addresses get to exactly the same list.

As for technical comments, I guess they would have looked quite similar
to what Erik wrote, if I had sent something yesterday, but I think he
did a better job than I could have done. The only correction I have is
that according to my knowledge, the registration authority has changed
from ECMA to somewhere in Japan. But I might be wrong, or that might
not yet have happened.

Regards,   Martin.

At 10:32 98/03/24 -0800, Erik van der Poel wrote:
> Hello Marc,
> I have a couple of comments/questions:
> IANA charsets are case-insensitive. Therefore, "ISO-8859-15" and "iso-8859-15" are
> the same. I would suggest deleting the alias "iso-8859-15" and putting the "preferred
> MIME name" next to the "ISO-8859-15".
> The ISO-IR-203 number is for the "ISO International Register of Coded Character Sets
> To Be Used With Escape Sequences", right? Have you actually received the paper update
> via regular (snail) mail? Has anybody else received the update, and can you confirm
> that the number is indeed 203? I have not received my copy of the update yet.
> What is the status of ISO-8859-15 in ISO itself? Is it still a draft, or has it
> become a full standard? What is the date on the front page?
> The reason I ask is because there has been a case in the past where ECMA registered
> one of their standards to get an ISO-IR-NNN number, but ISO itself made one or more
> changes after that date, before it reached the final ISO standard stage.
> I believe the "csISOLatin15" should be "csISOLatin9" to be consistent with the
> existing registrations for ISO-8859-9 and ISO-8859-10. You already have an alias
> "latin9". This comes from the ISO spec itself, right? Does it say "Latin alphabet No.
> 9"?
> Erik van der Poel