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Re: registration of iso-8859-15: v1.1

Why do we need the aliases?  I suggest (just):

  Name: ISO-8859-15 (preferred MIME name)

Misha Wolf
Chair, W3C I18N WG

> Hi,
> 	modified request per comments:
> 	- removed alias latin0
> 	- preferred alias in uppercase
> 	- csISOLatin changed to 9
> The new request will be:
> Name: ISO-8859-15
> Alias: ISO-8859-15 (preferred MIME name)
> Alias: latin9
> Alias: csISOLatin9
> Since the ISO standard is at its final ballot stage, then I will wait until
> final approval and resubmit it to the list at that time.  In between,
> people can use it for software development.
> Thanks everybody,
> Marc. 
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Marc Blanchet			| Marc.Blanchet@viagenie.qc.ca
> Viagénie inc.			| http://www.viagenie.qc.ca
> 3107 des hôtels		| tél.: 418-656-9254 
> Ste-Foy, Québec		| fax.: 418-656-0183
> Canada, G1W 4W5		| radio: VA2-JAZ
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> pgp: 57 86 A6 83 D3 A8 58 32 F7 0A BB BD 5F B2 4B A7
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Auteur du livre TCP/IP Simplifié, Éditions Logiques, 1997
> ------------------------------------------------------------

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