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Re: registration of iso-8859-15: v1.1

Yes, the registry mentions the "cs" names, but the RFC does not require a "cs"


Regarding "latin9", I guess we shouldn't blindly follow the previous
registrations, since the registration process was not very strict in the
beginning. There are far too many aliases.

Any chance of getting rid of some of them? :-)


Marc Blanchet wrote:

> Well, I'm also against complexity without need!  But, referring to IANA
> registry document
> (http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/character-sets), the cs alias
> is for the printer MIB.  And latin9 alias is to follow other iso-8859
> registrations.  But, if nobody cares about it, then I would certainly drop
> them when I will rerequest the registration after the iso final ballot.