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Re: registration of iso-8859-15: v1.1 [MIME/Internet]

Misha Wolf wrote:

> Alain LaBonté wrote:
> > A 18:36 98-03-30 +0000, Misha Wolf a écrit :
> > >Why do we need the aliases?  I suggest (just):
> > >
> > >  Name: ISO-8859-15 (preferred MIME name)
> >
> > [Alain] :
> > I thought about it too. You may be right, an alias would perhaps mislead
> > people less. By chance Latin 1 was part 1 of the ISO/IEC 8859 series... We
> > do not have this privilege with latin 9 and that might be confusing indeed.
> >
> > I'm not alone to make this recommendation then but I believe it might be
> > better too, although some other people might prefer only "Latin 9" then as
> > a name... So I don't know. Is there a harm to have one alias for MIME usage?

Quoting from RFC 2278:(ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2278.txt)

   One or more names MUST be assigned to all registered charsets.
   Multiple names for the same charset are permitted, but if multiple
   names are assigned a single primary name for the charset MUST be
   identified. All other names are considered to be aliases for the
   primary name and use of the primary name is preferred over use of any
   of the aliases.

> This stuff is for software.  It is not for "people" except for the poor people
> who have to write and maintain the software.

There is a field in the registry for "people". It's called "Source:". You can
mention "Latin-9" in the Source. See the registry:

