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[Alain] :
You mean "after the FDIS is approved two months from now" (in practice in

Technically it is final, no change will be allowed at this point. However
for maximum prudence, it is indeed procedurally better and more ethical for
me to recommend to wait for the end of this final proof approval by ISO/IEC
member bodies, by respect for their authority.

Those who are planning a software update ought to be informed immediately
though without making any noise, to prepare themselves, as after July this
will become urgent matter in Europe.

Alain LaBonté
>Misha Wolf wrote:
>> Why do we need the aliases?  I suggest (just):
>>   Name: ISO-8859-15 (preferred MIME name)
>> Misha Wolf
>> Chair, W3C I18N WG
>> > Hi,
>> >       modified request per comments:
>> >       - removed alias latin0
>> >       - preferred alias in uppercase
>> >       - csISOLatin changed to 9
>> >
>> > The new request will be:
>> >
>> > Name: ISO-8859-15
>> > Alias: ISO-8859-15 (preferred MIME name)
>> > Alias: latin9
>> > Alias: csISOLatin9
>> >
>> >
>> > Since the ISO standard is at its final ballot stage, then I will wait
>> > final approval and resubmit it to the list at that time.  In between,
>> > people can use it for software development.