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RE: Registration of new charset "UTF-16"

At 09:15 98/05/18 -0800, Chris Newman wrote:

Hello Chris,

Many thanks for your list of questions to consider for the definition
of widetext.

> What about end of line canonicalization?  Do we stick with CRLF, or should
> we use the ISO 10646 Line Separator and Paragraph Separator characters?
> Or do we give up on a canoncial form and just state that widetext/etext
> probably isn't suitable for use with digital signatures.

There are other canonicalization issues, for example the precomposed/
decomposed problem, and some issues with bidirectionality markup,...

There may be various ways to make this suitable for digital signatures.
There are ather requirements than digital signatures that require the
handling of these things to be defined in more detail than it is presently
the case.

Regards,   Martin.