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ANNOUNCE: new charset soups (ISO 8859, Cyrillic, Unicode, Euro, ...)

This is to announce that I have moved and spiced up
my webpage on ISO 8859 and now I can proudly offer you:

	The ISO 8859 Alphabet Soup
	with all the latest news up until ISO-8859-15
	special guest: the Euro sign

	The Cyrillic Charset Soup  NEW! HOT! UNIQUE! BLINK!
	the history of KOI-8 (the Russian ASCII) & Co.
	slightly opinionated towards KOI8 Unified and Unicode

	Good ole' ASCII
	a few words on ISO-646 (US-ASCII and its national variants)
	and the development towards ISO-10646 (Unicode)

	Codepage & Co.
	a superficial introduction to Bill's code page jungle

	Encoding Vietnamese
	a graphical illustration of VISCII (RFC 1456)

Please update your links to the old locations
http://www.cs.tu-berlin.de/~czyborra/charsets/ and
http://czyborra.com/ is there to stay permanently.

That was the good news.  Enjoy!

The bad news is that my promised Unicode-HOWTO for Linux is horribly
delayed.  It is still far from having grown to a publishable state. 
My original time frame turned out to be a bit too optimistic.  I
haven't even gotten back to all the celebrities who sent suggestions. 
Good things may come to those who wait, though. 

Cheers, Roman