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Questions aboutftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/character-sets

The registrations for ISO_8859-1:1987 and ISO_8859-1 seems to directly
contradict RFC 2278 ::

> RFC 2278 Charset Registration January 1998
> Each assigned name MUST uniquely identify a single 
> charset.

and in .../assignments/character-sets we have the name
ISO-8859-1 used both as a name and an alias.

Name: ISO_8859-1:1987                                    [RFC1345,KXS2]
MIBenum: 4
Source: ECMA registry
Alias: iso-ir-100
Alias: ISO_8859-1
Alias: ISO-8859-1 (preferred MIME name)
Alias: latin1
Alias: l1
Alias: IBM819
Alias: CP819
Alias: csISOLatin1

Name: ISO-8859-1
MIBenum: 1004
Source: IBM Latin-1 SAA Core Coded Character Set.
        Extended ISO 8859-1 Presentation Set, GCSGID: 2039
Alias: csUnicodeIBM2039

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