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Re: Registration of new charsets

Masataka Ohta wrote:
>    ISO-2022-JP-3
>    ISO-2022-JP-3-plane1
>    Shift_JISX0213
>    Shift_JISX0213-plane1
>    EUC-JISX0213
>    EUC-JISX0213-plane1

In 3.5 of RFC 2278, there are usage and implementation requirements.

>   A charset should therefore be registered ONLY if it adds significant
>   functionality that is valuable to a large community, OR if it
>   documents existing practice in a large community. Note that charsets
>   registered for the second reason should be explicitly marked as being
>   of limited or specialized use and should only be used in Internet
>   messages with prior bilateral agreement.

I think that proposed charsets should be explicitly marked as legacy
(they are new, but extensions of legacy encodings).

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