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Re: Registration of new charsets


This is a formal answer from the JCS committee.

First of all, the Internet Draft is intended to be published as
an Informational, NOT Standard Track, RFC containing opinions
of JCS, not IETF.

Your comments on the content of the Internet Draft should better
be sent to Authors or JCS mailing list, not IETF.

Answers to your comments on procedures or formalities follows.

> - The draft does not give very many details about the actual encodings.
>   The draft should be expanded to contain enough details so that
>   implementers not able to understand Japanese can implement the
>   encodings.

A requirement for the registration is "publish". There is no requirement
that the publication must be in English.

However, we are kind enough to prepare an RFC-to-be Internet Draft
in English.

> - It may be very helpful for a wide audience to include some other
>   details about JIS X 0213 in the draft. As I haven't see the final
>   version of JIS X 0213, I cannot give further details at the moment.

All the information is contained in publicly available draft in the home
page of JCS referenced in the Internet Draft.

We are at the final stage of the standardization that there is no change
between the published draft in our home page and the paper publication 
except for bug fixes.

> - As JIS X 0213 is not yet published, I think the registration should
>   wait until that has happened, and people have had a chance to have
>   a look at it. Of course, that doesn't preclude to continue to prepare
>   the registration as much as possible.

The draft is already published through WWW, as you know and as is written
in our Internet Draft.

The publication is to solicite public comments and is detailed one.

You can argue that RFC publication by FTP or WWW is not publication.

However, we should thank you and other people sending us comments
on the detailed draft by having a chance to have a look at it.

							Masataka Ohta