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Re: Registration of new charsets

Murata san;

> Martin J. Duerst wrote:
> > At 10:39 1999/12/22 JST, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> > > However, we are kind enough to prepare an RFC-to-be Internet Draft
> > > in English.
> As far as I know, even in Japanese, JIS X 0213 has not been published yet.  
> I would like to have a look at it very much.

Who said JIS X 0213 published?

> > > All the information is contained in publicly available draft in the home
> > > page of JCS referenced in the Internet Draft.
> Today, I read "Comments on JCS Proposal" from UTC.  Ohta-san, would you be kind 
> enough to expand the I-D and introduce further information about the current 
> situation?

I don't know what UTC means but I'm sure that it has nothing to do with
the publication of JIS X 0213.

The I-D contains information on the current situation.

> http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~irg/irg/N690_Lisa_JIS.doc

They should learn to use plain text.

							Masataka Ohta