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Re: ISO_8859-15 registration without MIBenum and Alias

Sorry, resent because one of the addresses was incorrect.

[dear IANA, please see below for requests for corrections/updates]

At 17:35 00/01/20 +0100, Langer, Paul wrote:
> Why is charset "ISO_8859-15" registered at IANA
> without MIBenum and without the usual aliases?

Hello Paul,

Confirmed at http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/character-sets.

Missing the MIBenum is a mistake that affects people
doing MIBs and similar stuff. This should be corrected.

Not having aliases would be a feature, if the only registered
name were in the preferred form. Unfortunately, it's ISO_8859-15,
and not ISO-8859-15.

There is a  similar problem for iso-8859-10:

Name: latin6                                              [RFC1345,KXS2]
MIBenum: 13
Source: ECMA registry
Alias: iso-ir-157
Alias: l6
Alias: ISO_8859-10:1992
Alias: csISOLatin6

I'm forwarding this to the relevant list, please continue any
necessary discussion there. I'm also copying IANA.

I would like to ask IANA:

- To add an appropriate MIBenum for ISO_8859-15

  See ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2278.txt:

  3.7.  MIBenum Requirements

   Each registered charset MUST also be assigned a unique enumerated
   integer value. These "MIBenum" values are defined by and used in the
   Printer MIB [RFC-1759].

   A MIBenum value for each charset will be assigned by IANA at the time
   of registration.

- To add "Name: ISO-8859-15 (preferred MIME name)"
  for this entry (see e.g.
  for discussions on this.

- To add "Name: ISO-8859-10 (preferred MIME name)"
  for the entry with MIBenum 13.

Many thanks in advance,    Martin.

#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, World Wide Web Consortium
#-#-#  mailto:duerst@w3.org   http://www.w3.org