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Proposal to register SCSU for IANA


I just subscribed to this list a few days ago and did not see any traffic that would have shown me the table manners.
My job is with IBM in a team that produces Unicode- and I18N-related libraries for Java and C/C++.

Proposal: I would like to register an encoding as follows with the IANA list at 
http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/character-sets :

Name: SCSU
MIBenum: 107 ??
Source: A Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode, Unicode Technical Report #6, http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr6/
Alias: [none]

This is a character encoding scheme for Unicode. Algorithmic transformation of Unicode text to and from SCSU is fairly
simple and can yield a similar code point:byte count ratio as legacy encodings. It is stateful. US-ASCII and ISO-8859-1 text
that does not contain control codes other than NUL, TAB, CR, LF is also correct SCSU text. SCSU uses all byte values.

I am looking forward to get feedback from you and hope to advance this towards a registration.

