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Re: Proposal to register SCSU for IANA

At 00/03/21 12:00 -0800, Markus Scherer wrote:
>Thanks for the initial responses -
>My understanding was that this IANA charsets registry is de facto the only 
>such registry for any charsets, and that it registers more than what is 
>appropriate for use in MIME.
>I agree that the properties of SCSU make it unsuitable for MIME, at least 
>without an additional transfer encoding $B_(Bla quoted-printable or base64, 
>which would make it clumsy. UTF-8 is probably better for that.

Not only probably, very much so.

And it's not the content transform; SCSU is in general unsuitable
for any text/* MIME type because of the very specific end-of-line

>However, I think it is worth registering, and a comment saying that it is 
>not suitable for MIME text would be fine.

There should be not only such a comment, but also a comment
that says that SCSU is not really recommended for usage on
the Internet.

Why don't you just send in a complete registration form, and we can
have a look at it?

Regards,   Martin.