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Re: Fwd: Registration of 6 charsets

> >Please register 6 charsets:
> >
> >     ISO-2022-JP-3
> >     ISO-2022-JP-3-plane1
> >     Shift_JISX0213
> >     Shift_JISX0213-plane1
> >     EUC-JISX0213
> >     EUC-JISX0213-plane1
> >
> >described in draft-ohta-jcs-jis-x-0213-00.txt

I think it would be a good idea to specify the escape sequences used for
iso-2022-jp-3 and its plane1 subset in the Internet Draft.

> >     JIS X 0213 is not yet published
> >
> >         It's content was publisedh by WWW and it is now available
> >         on papers.

