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Re: Registration of new charset iso-8859-14

That's exactly why now is the time to say: Enough. Stop this madness.


[This mail was written using voice recognition software]

> It is in the style that has been done for all the other iso-8859
> series of standards. So yu need to do it anyway for everything
> else.
> Keld
> On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 09:38:52AM -0700, Erik van der Poel wrote:
> > I also object to the aliases.
> > 
> > Erik
> > 
> > > I strongly object to the large number of aliases listed below and
> > > propose that every alias request should document established usage.
> > > This sort of nonsense requires browser etc vendors to build ever-
> > > larger tables of rubbish into their products.  Is it too late to
> > > stop this registration?
> > > 
> > > > >Charset name: iso-8859-14
> > > > >
> > > > >Charset aliases:
> > > > >
> > > > >      &alias iso-ir-199
> > > > >      &alias ISO_8859-14:1998
> > > > >      &alias ISO_8859-14
> > > > >      &alias latin8
> > > > >      &alias iso-celtic
> > > > >      &alias l8

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