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Re: Fwd: Registration of 6 charsets


> > > > >     Four of them are declared not suitable for use in MIME
> > > > >
> > > > >         While it is not unclear when one should say "not suitable
> > > > >         for use in MIME", one can automatically make a charset
> > > > >         not shuitable for use in MIME by using some characters
> > > > >         in the charset name, anyway
> This is incorrect.

You completely miss the point.

> All charset names MUST be usable as a MIME
> charset parameter value. The process forbids registration of anything
> else. See RFC 2278, section 3.3.

All registered charset names MUST be usable as a MIME charset
parameter value.

Some unregistered charset names may be not usable as a MIME charset
parameter value.

Charsets with charset names not usable as a MIME charset parameter
value are automatically not suitable for MIME use.


> > > This is a completely confused comment. All of the registrations
> > > are suitable for use with MIME, because all of them allow to
> > > respect the CR/LF conventions of MIME.
> > I'm afraid you are completely confused. I can see no requirement of
> > "CR/LF conventions" neither in RFC2278 nor for the suitability
> > for MIME use.
> Martin is completely correct here. See RFC 2278 section 3.1. It says that all
> charset registrations must note whether or not they are suitable for use in
> MIME text, based on what the MIME specification (RFC 2045) says about text.

Wrong. RFC 2278 requires:

   All registered
   charsets MUST note whether or not they are suitable for use in MIME.

and RFC 2046 is explicite:

   Other media types than subtypes of "text" might choose to employ the
   charset parameter as defined here, but with the CRLF/line break
   restriction removed.

that CRLF has nothing to do with the suitability for use in MIME.

RFC 2045 is irrelevant.

>From the interoperability point of view, three charset names
for three different encoding methods of JIS X 0213 is much
worse than 3 aliases of a single encoding method of ISO-8859-14.

If you think, in IETF, written rules are overridden by
misinterpretations of the editors of the rules, even though
the rules are legislated partly by public review, that's fine.

However, then, we, general public, have no reason to respect rules
for IANA procedures and will just use defact charset names without
bothering to register the names.

Do you recommend us to do so?

						Masataka Ohta