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Re: Fwd: Registration of 6 charsets

> > Or, are you saying that your personal ID has passed IESG review as is
> > without WG review? Then, you are the author. But I have never noticed
> > that it occurred.

> The charset registration procedure was a personal submission by John Klensin,
> Jon Postel, and myself, based on an earlier document Jon Postel wrote by
> himself. It was last called in the IETF and approved by the IESG, and
> is currently a BCP.

Oops! I misstated the authorship here -- sorry about that. This one was done by
myself and Jon Postel. John Klensin wasn't an author, and deserves none of the
blame ;-) I was confusing this with the media types registration document,
which John, Jon, and myself did write.

And to answer a question several have asked privately, when this specification
is revised I plan to leave Jon as co-author. I see this as entirely
appropriate, as he did write a bunch of the original text, and that won't
change in the new revision.

This also will be my final posting on this matter.
