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Rejection of registration of new Japanese charsets

[This was originally sent on April 8 to ietf-charsets@iana.org.
This alias appears to be nonfunctional again.]

The enclosed registration of 6 charsets is rejected.

The reasons are:

- The procedure has not been followed. There is no procedure for
   registering more than one character set in a submission form.

- The registration does not say whether or not the character sets given
   are usable as "charset" values for use with MIME text/* body parts.
   Note: The charset reviewer finds that the registration author
   has failed to understand the meaning of this requirement.

- The registration refers to an internet-draft. The internet-draft says
   (like all internet-drafts) that "It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts
   as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

- The registration refers to a non-published (at the time of writing)
   specification. The registration needs to be updated to reflect the fact
   that the specification is published; a stable URL to the specification
   itself would be appreciated, but is not mandatory as long as it can be
   located using its publication information.

The character set reviewer will review these registrations again once they
are submitted in a proper format and with adequate information.

NOTE: The reason given for the publication of these character sets before
the publication of the I-D is that the author wants the MIBenum numbers
assigned so that they can be included in the RFC. The traditional means of
accomplishing this function is to include the registration template in the
text of the I-D, and include an "IANA note" asking that the registration
be completed, and MIBenum numbers assigned, before publication of the RFC.

NOTE: There is nothing in the procedures that prevents a wholly Japanese 
standard from being referenced as "openly available".
However, the nature of the referenced standard has made it impossible for
the charset reviewer to locate a copy of it, or to check whether the 
requirements for stability or clearness of CCS/CES references given in RFC
2278 section 3.1 are fulfilled. Others may choose to bring challenge on
this point in the next round of review.

The decision of the charset reviewer may be appealed to the IESG under
section 4.2 of RFC 2278.

                Harald Tveit Alvestrand

>Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 21:44:31 +0900 (JST)
>From: Masataka Ohta <mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp>
>Subject: Registration of new charsets
>To: ietf-charsets@iana.org
>X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11]
>Charset name(s):
>    ISO-2022-JP-3
>    ISO-2022-JP-3-plane1
>    Shift_JISX0213
>    Shift_JISX0213-plane1
>    EUC-JISX0213
>    EUC-JISX0213-plane1
>Published specification(s):
>    The standard below is in Japanese but draft-ohta-jcs-jis-x-0213-00.txt,
>    which is intended to be an Informational RFC, gives some explanation
>    on the charsets in English.
>    [JISX0213] Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, "7-bit and 8-bit
>    double byte coded extended Kanji sets for information interchange",
>    JIS X 0213:2000, Japanese Standards Association, (To be published in
>    January 2000, draft accessible through http://jcs.aa.tufs.ac.jp/).
>Person & email address to contact for further information:
>    Masataka Ohta
>    Computer Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology
>    2-12-1, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152, JAPAN
>    Phone: +81-3-5499-7084
>    Fax: +81-3-3729-1940
>    EMail: mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp
>    Kouichi Yasuoka
>    Data Processing Center, Kyoto University
>    Kyoto 606-8501, JAPAN
>    Phone: +81-75-753-7430
>    Fax: +81-75-753-7450
>    EMail: yasuoka@kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp
>    Kouji Shibano
>    Information Resource Center
>    Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa
>    Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
>    Phone: +81-44-954-7337
>    Fax: +81-44-954-7337
>    EMail: shibano@aa.tufs.ac.jp

Harald Tveit Alvestrand, EDB Maxware, Norway