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Re: Fwd: Registration of 6 charsets


You keep saying that the Unicode consortium is "closed", as if constant repetition would make it so. The consortium is open to any organization to join, has liaisons with many standards organizations, and has many contributions from individual experts. It is as open as the W3C and many other consortia, and more open than ISO itself since members do not need to be national bodies. Moreover, we work very closely with ISO in determining character allocation, with a relationship that has been uniquely successful.

If you want to become more familiar with the Unicode consortium, I suggest you visit http://www.unicode.org. For a list of the Unicode members, see http://www.unicode.org/unicode/consortium/memblogo.html


Keld Jørn Simonsen wrote:

> I do not think it should be a requirement that new IANA registrations
> be mappable to 10646/Unicode. That would leave the whole of
> the internet in the hands of the Unicode consortium with respect to
> charsets, and that is too much power to give a closed consortium
> over an open network. I hope this is not what is meant.
> Keld