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Fwd: Re[2]: Registration of new charset

please take the attached document as the registration for the charset 
I have approved its registration.

Application of Charset Registration


This is a proposal to register "Big5-HKSCS" as a Charset name with Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). 


2.	To facilitate electronic communication in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), the Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set (HKSCS), a supplement to the standard character set of Big-5, was developed in 1999.  This supplementary character set includes characters collected from various sectors in Hong Kong and represents a common set for the community.  It has been widely used in Hong Kong.

3.	HKSCS specifies two coding schemes -- one is the extension to the Big-5 coding scheme and the other one is an extension to the ISO 10646 standard.

4.	This registration request is specifically made for the Big-5 extension since proper registration will facilitate development of Internet-related software supporting HKSCS.  

Registration Requirements (as defined in RFC 2278)

5.	Required characteristics

-	The proposed charset conforms to the definition of a "charset" as defined in 2.4 of RFC 2278. 
-	The proposed charset is suitable for use in MIME.
-	The proposed charset is specified in a stable, openly available specification.

6.	New charsets

-	The proposed charset is NOT a new charset. 

7.	Naming requirements
-	Proposed name for the charset is "Big5-HKSCS".
-	The name conforms to the ABNF definition in sect 3.3 of RFC 2278.

8.	Functionality requirement
-	The proposed charset functions as an actual charset.

9.	Usage and implementation requirements
-	The proposed charset has been widely adopted by the market, the public and the Government.  This is the standard supplementary character set used for information exchange in Chinese between the public and the Hong Kong SAR Government.

10.	Publication requirements

-	The proposed charset has been published by the Hong Kong SAR Government since 1999.

-	An online copy of the Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set can be viewed at 

11.	MIBenum requirements

-	A MIBenum value for the proposed charset will be assigned by IANA at the time of registration.

Contact Person

12.	Any queries concerning this application may be addressed to the following:
	Information Technology Services Department
	Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
	8/F Shui On Centre
	6-8, Harbour Road, WanChai
	Hong Kong
	(Attn: Mr Nicky Yick)

	Email: cliac@itsd.gcn.gov.hk
Harald Tveit Alvestrand, alvestrand@cisco.com
+47 41 44 29 94
Personal email: Harald@Alvestrand.no