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modification to registration of charset ks_c_5601-1987

     Charset name: KS_C_5601-1987

     Charset aliases:	ISO-IR-149

     Suitability for use in MIME text: yes

     Published specification(s): KS_C_5601-1987

     Additional information:

	The existing registration for KS_C_5601-1987 does not
	include an alias for KS_C_5601. However, that alias
	name is widely used by implementations. Conversely,
	the existing shorthand alias KSC_5601 is not widely
	used by implementations. Furthermore, given the
	placement of underscores in the canonical name versus
	the existing alias, it is highly probable that future
	implementations will default to "KS_C_5601" instead
	of the alias in the charset registery.

	This registration is intended to be a modification to
	the existing registration, adding KS_C_5601, while
	keeping KSC_5601 for backwards compatibility.

     Person & email address to contact for further information:

	Eric A. Hall <ehall@ehsco.com>, administrative effort
		to fix typo.

	Keld Jørn Simonsen <keld@dkuug.dk>, original registrar
		of ks_c_5601-1987 (RFC 1345), and still the
		proper source contact for the charset.

     Intended usage: COMMON