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Re: Registration of new character set

> > Therefore, I request that a name for the encoding in RFC 2060 is
> > registered. I propose the following entry in the registry:
> >
> > Name: RFC_2060-mailbox
> > MIBenum: <assigned by IANA>
> > Source: RFC-2060
> > Alias: csRFC2060mailbox
> What about an alias like IMAP-mailbox or something like that somehow gives
> the developer a sense of what RFC2060 really is, without the need for
> remembering numbers?

Sounds good to me. It is actually mailbox names, not the mailboxes
themselves that are encoded in this encoding, but I thought that
mailboxname would be a bit too verbose.

My main interest is to have an unambiguous official name for the
encoding; what name exactly that is is of less importance to me.

Thanks for you comments,
