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Registration of new charset: UTF-32

Charset aliases:


Suitability for use in MIME text:


Published specification(s):


The IETF registration imposes one additional constraint: if there is no
initial BOM then the byte-orientation must be big-endian. That is, in any
stream that does not begin with the (hex) byte sequence <00 00 FE FF> all of
the bytes are interpreted as big-endian.

Note: This is parallel to the IETF registration of UTF-16. As defined by the
Unicode Standard Version 3.1, without a BOM the byte orientation of UTF-32
and UTF-16 could be either little-endian or big-endian. The choice of byte
orientation would be determined by a higher-level protocol. The IETF
registration is such a protocol, and constrains the byte orientation to be
big-endian for determinant interpretation.

ISO 10646 equivalency table:

Also in http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr19/

Additional information:

Mark Davis
2509 Alpine Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Intended usage:
