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Registration of new charset CESU-8

Charset name: CESU-8

Charset aliases: csCESU-8

Suitability for use in MIME text: No

Published specification(s):
   Unicode Technical Report #26
   "Compatibility Encoding Scheme for UTF-16: 8-bit (CESU-8)"

ISO 10646 equivalency table: See specification.

Additional information:
   CESU-8 is an 8-bit Compatibility Encoding Scheme for UTF-16 (CESU) that
   is intended for internal use within systems processing Unicode in order
   provide an ASCII-compatible 8-bit encoding that is similar to UTF-8 but
   preserves UTF-16 binary collation. Data encoded in CESU-8 should only be
   exchanged when it is labeled as such in a higher-level protocol or is
   agreed upon in an API definition.

Person & email address to contact for further information:
   Toby Phipps

   Jianping Yang

   Nobuyoshi Mori

Intended usage: LIMITED USE