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Markus Scherer wrote:
> 3. Bibliography
>     I suggest to replace the [UNICODE] book/ISBN reference
> and the link to version 3.0
>     with a reference to "Unicode 3.2"
>     and a link to http://www.unicode.org/unicode/standard/versions/
>     (Ken and others may have different ideas here).

Harald Tveit Alvestrand replied:
> please don't remove the book reference.
> if Stuff Happens and the Unicode Consortium goes away, any 
> [...]
> The URL, however, is likely to not resolve once that happens, 
> and we don't 
> have any means of finding out what it pointed to once it has 
> gone away.

While Ken Whistler claimed:
> This would also be o.k. It would give the most up-to-date reference
> to the current version. And that URL is a longterm stable one that
> will always lead people to correct version information and official
> citation recommendations.

Well, it seems I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place :-)

What about this:

   [UNICODE]      The Unicode Consortium, "The Unicode Standard --
                  Version 3.2",  defined by The Unicode Standard,
                  Version 3.0 (Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley, 2000. ISBN
                  0-201-61633-5), as amended by the Unicode Standard
                  Annex #27: Unicode 3.1 (see http://www.unicode.org/
                  reports/tr27) and by the Unicode Standard Annex #28:
                  Unicode 3.2 (see http://www.unicode.org/reports/
                  tr28)., March 2002, <http://www.unicode.org/unicode/

I had to seriously cheat with the highly inflexible RFC2629 DTD to obtain
this, I hope it makes everyone happy.

