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Re: Comments on draft-yergeau-rfc2279bis-00.txt

On 17/04/2002 10:40:23 Martin Duerst wrote:

> <33>
>     In general, the changes amount to adding new characters, which does
>     not pose particular problems with old data.  Amendment 5 to ISO/IEC
>     10646, however, has moved and expanded the Korean Hangul block,
> As far as I understand, amendments for ISO standards are numbered
> separately for each version. So we need to clearly say here that
> it is Amendments 5 to 10646:1993. Also, saying when that change
> happened (Ken?) will help bringing things in perspective for the
> new reader.

A minor point.  In:

>     Amendment 5 to ISO/IEC
>     10646, however, has moved and expanded the Korean Hangul block,

the "has" makes it sound recent.  Please drop it.



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