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Re: Registration of new charset BOCU-1

Martin Duerst wrote:

>>     CCS & CES: The BOCU-1 charset is a combination of the
>>     Unicode and ISO 10646 Coded Character Set (CCS)
> 'combination' sounds very strange. The CCS of Unicode and
> ISO 10646 is identical by design, but 'combination' suggests
> that BOCU-1 has brought them together.

... but the sentence is not finished yet:

>>     with the Character Encoding Scheme (CES) specified in
>>     the above document. It covers exactly the
>>     UTF-16-reachable subset of ISO 10646.

In short, it is a combination of the CCS with the CES.
This is the very same paragraph that I used in the SCSU registration, I just replaced the charset name.

Would you like me to replace "Unicode and ISO 10646" with "Unicode/ISO 10646" to get the "and" out of the sentence?

> Given that you (correctly, in my view) say "Intended usage: LIMITED USE",
> I would just cut out all of this, because there is no need for marketing.
> I assume it's all documented in the spec that you have already cited.

Personally, I like seeing a small amount of relevant information without having to copy/paste a URL (the IANA charset list is .txt) and read a fairly long document.
Again, this is what I did for SCSU...


What do others think?
