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Reason for 'csXXX' alias


The reason for the (required for charset registration) Alias
'csXXX', is stated in section 2.3 'Naming Requirements' of
RFC 2978 "IANA Charset Registration Procedures".

The 'csXXX' alias is used as the ASN.1 tag for the charset
enumeration in the CodedCharSet textual convention in the
Printer MIB v1 (RFC 1759).

As part of the publication of Printer MIB v2, I have written
a C language utility to convert the plaintext IANA Charset
Registry (http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets)
into a new IANA Charset MIB module, that will be published
at http://www.iana.org/assignments/ianacharset-mib (similar
to the IANA Interface Type MIB which was extracted from
MIB-II, RFC 1213 some years ago).

- Ira McDonald, co-editor of Printer MIB v2

Extract from page 4 of RFC 2978:

"All charsets MUST be assigned a name that provides a display string
for the associated "MIBenum" value defined below.  These "MIBenum"
values are defined by and used in the Printer MIB [RFC-1759].  Such
names MUST begin with the letters "cs" and MUST contain no more than
40 characters (including the "cs" prefix) chosen from from the
printable subset of US-ASCII.  Only one name beginning with "cs" may
be assigned to a single charset.  If no name of this form is
explicitly defined IANA will assign an alias consisting of "cs"
prepended to the primary charset name."

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Uskov [mailto:auskov@idc.kz]
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 1:38 AM
To: ietf-charsets@iana.org
Subject: Re: Registration of new charset csPTCP154 (fwd)

Hello, Harald!
You wrote to <ietf-charsets@iana.org> on Tue, 16 Jul 2002 08:32:05 +0900:


 HTA>>>> btw, for some reason it is common to have the "csNNN" name as an
 HTA>>>> alias, and  have the name not starting with "cs"......
 >>> Ok.

 >>> Charset name:
 >>> PTCP154

 >>> Charset aliases:
 >>> csPTCP154
 >>> PT154
 >>> CP154
 >>> Cyrillic-Asian