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Re: Proposal for insensitive registration

So it doesn't sound like there are any objections to any of the
proposals (except that the file format is apparently different). I'd
like to see whatever changes can go in, go in fairly soon.

Harold, you said that the file format is different. The description I
have below is what I reverse engineered from the file (except for the
@xxx recommendations). Could you point out where it doesn't match the

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Harald Tveit Alvestrand" <harald@alvestrand.no>
To: "Mark Davis" <mark.davis@us.ibm.com>; "Markus Scherer"
Cc: "charsets" <ietf-charsets@iana.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 07:39
Subject: Re: Proposal for insensitive registration

> --On 22. juli 2002 18:36 -0700 Mark Davis <mark.davis@us.ibm.com>
> >
> > I have a couple of notes, then a suggested proposl.
> Thanks for the checking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> I agree that the violators of existing rules should be removed -
> to comments that "this alias has been expunged". I'd like to do that
to the
> overly-long ones too; does anyone have arguments for their
> > 5. So I'd like to sum up the results of this discussion with a
> > proposal. In http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets,
> >
> > A. Replace the text:
> >
> > The character set names may be up to 40 characters taken from the
> > printable characters of US-ASCII. However, no distinction is made
> > between use of upper and lower case letters.
> >
> > with the new text:
> >
> > Constraints on Registered Names and Aliases
> >
> > The character set names may be up to 45 characters taken from the
> > printable characters of US-ASCII. As per RFC 2978 no distinction
is made
> > between use of upper and lower case letters. While more
> > characters are permitted by RFC 2978, only the following should be
> > 0x43 '+' PLUS SIGN
> > 0x45 '-' HYPHEN-MINUS
> > 0x46 '.' FULL STOP
> > 0x58 ':' COLON
> > 0x95 '_' LOW LINE
> I would like this. I would be stricter if I could, but existing
> > In addition, two strings are considered to conflict if after
> > them, then removing all characters except A-Z and 0-9, and then
> > all leading zeros (zeros not preceded by a number), the strings
> > No new names or aliases will be accepted for registration that
> > with existing names or aliases, except where they only conflict
> > aliases for the same name. For example, "IBM-037" is acceptable as
> > alias for "IBM037", but "roman08" is not acceptable as an alias
> > "macintosh" because it would conflict with "roman8", which is an
> > alias for "hp-roman8".
> >
> > B. Start the data with "@START_DATA" and ending it with
"@END_DATA". Add
> > documentation in the header:
> >
> > This file is designed to be machine-readable. The data start with
> > line "@START_DATA", and ends with the line "@END_DATA". Each line
of data
> > is of the form:  <tag> ":" <space> value1 <space>+ value2 <space>+
> > or is a continuation line, starting with <space>. The values are
> > interpreted according to the tags, as follows:
> >
> > Tag Values
> > Name: value1 is the name
> >  value2 is either blank, "(preferred MIME name)" or "["
<reference> "]"
> >  value3 is either blank, or "[" <reference> "]"
> > Alias: value1 is the alias
> >  value2 is either blank, or "(preferred MIME name)"
> > MIBenum: value1 is a number, described above
> > Source: value1 is descriptive text. This is the only entry that
can have
> > continuation lines.
> this actually fits the very old registration format, but not the
> ones. Sigh. We need to make a distinction between the registration
form and
> the form of the registry, I think.
> More work.
> >
> > C. Remove the alias: NF_Z_62-010_(1973)
> Yes.
>                 Harald