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RE: Proposal for additional Aliases to IANA registry of character sets


A comment below.

- Ira McDonald, co-editor of Printer MIB v2

-----Original Message-----
From: umavs@ca.ibm.com [mailto:umavs@ca.ibm.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 11:41 AM
To: Chris.Newman@Sun.COM; ietf-charsets@iana.org
Subject: Re: Proposal for additional Aliases to IANA registry of
character sets



If we state that the "the primary names assigned in the IANA registry is
the name that is 'Strongly Encouraged to be used" for OPEN interchange
(when the charset is not constrained in any manner)" then use of strings of
ISO-8859-1 etc. can be promoted widely.  In these cases, the ALIASEs are
meant to be used for "limited use contexts".   With the printer MIB
numbers, even in the IETF open context there will be multiple 'names'.


<ira> The 'csXXX' aliases for the Printer MIB are unfortunate.  But they
were forced by the SMIv1/SMIv2 rules that ASN.1 labels can't have any
punctuation, and pre-existing 'charset' names contained hyphens.
By the way, many of the assigned 'csXXX' aliases are more 'friendly'
than the corresponding names (though less precise), for example:

	ISO-8859-1-1987 ---> csISOLatin1

V.S. Umamaheswaran, Ph.D.
Globalization Centre of Competency,  IBM Canada Lab, 8200 Warden Avenue,
B3/979, Markham, Ontario,  L6G 1C7
Ph: +1 905-413-3474 (Tie 969); Fax:905 413 4903; Internet:
umavs@ca.ibm.com; Notes: umavs@ibmca; VM: umavs@torolab2